
[TRANSITIONS] What I Learned at YCIS Beijing

2016-08-02 YCISBeijing

We recently spoke with a YCIS Beijing alumnus who attended our Secondary School from 2012 to 2014, Hippolyte Rannou. Hippolyte shared with us his impression of the school, his experience transitioning back to his home country of France, and the essential skills that YCIS Beijing was able to inculcate in him over his three years with the school.

Where are you currently studying?

I am studying at Saint Louis de Gonzague, also known as Franklin in Paris. I am in Year 1 (Year 11) S, where the "S" stands for "scientific."

Was the transition back to school in your home country difficult? What was the most challenging aspect of this transition?

The most challenging aspect of the transition was readapting to the “French method" of learning which is a bit different from the one used at YCIS Beijing. I found that the methods used at YCIS Beijing taught me to be more creative and original in the way I expressed myself and in my thinking. However, in France, the teaching method is more rigid and doesn’t allow for as much self-expression.

Tap Read More below for more of Hippolyte's reflections on his YCIS Beijing experience!

[STUDENT BLOG] Eight Years of Growth at YCIS Beijing

[STUDENT BLOG] Trumping Testing Tribulations

[STUDENT BLOG] Transitioning to Secondary School

